Monday, June 22, 2009

What is up his sleeve?

I've proudly stood beside Michael Ignatieff since he became leader and supported his decisions. I always felt that, while I may not have agreed or understood all of them, they were all, clearly, for the greater good.

Now, I can feel myself starting to doubt him, which is worrisome. I wonder if he really is aiming for a resolution that will benefit his, and my party.

Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not buying into the media perspective that Michael ought to pack his bags and get ready to leave. I'm, instead, basing my perspective on the fact that he could have approached this whole kerfuffle in a different way and made himself look strong as a result. Instead, he puffed himself up and then backed off.

I really hope he has a plan for the fall, because I don't know where else to put my vote.


  1. It's hard not to feel disappointed in Ignatieff for the way he backed down on his demands for EI reform and accountability for stimulus spending. While it can be said that Canadians did not want an election, and he was right to listen to the mood of the country, he seems to have "co-operated" with Harper too easily.

  2. You sound doubtful:

    And just in case you think that I am just full of hot air, I PROVIDE THE PROOF HERE.

    I would love to hear from you.
