Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Leader, New Logo, New Era!

I like the snazzy new logo, and I definitely like the "new" leader, and Canada's next Prime Minister: Michael Ignatieff.

As I mentioned in my first post, I had definite issues with Ignatieff when he first ran for leader. Heck, I thought he was a huge threat to every Liberal value that I believed in and I hoped against hope that he wouldn't win.

Now, I am behind him in a big way and would gladly go on the hustings, helping to elect his brand in my riding during the next election. I only wish I could have been in Vancouver to hear his speech in person, as it was simply awe-inspiring via YouTube. Go Michael Go!

On another note, it occurs to me that my current NS election predictions place the NDP in a majority government. At this point, I am actually prepared to go that route, but we'll see how things turn out.


  1. I like it, but a deeper red, would look nice.

  2. I find that while I like him, his absence from the country for that many years makes him less desirable, he hasn't paid taxes. As well, they listed that if he does not win, he will return to the US. That is certainly not reason to vote for him. Is this true? Do you know?
