Sunday, May 24, 2009

Burma: How can this even happen?

I've always prided myself on being "up" on world news. I've always tried to be aware of the what's, how's, why's, and where's of all the important things that have gone on in the world, so that I can live my life as knowledgable as possible. I've never claimed to know everything, but there's one thing that always confused me.

How can a think like Burma/Myanmar happen?

What I mean is how can a nation hold an election that results in a majority government for a specific party, completely disregard the results and lock up the party's leader for the last 19 years, and still be allowed to exist as a nation?

Maybe I'm missing something, but in the year 2009 how can it be possible that a country can keep the legitimate leader of a country locked up for nearly two decades and the world does nothing?

I'm never one to support unilateral occupation, but the US invaded Iraq on the suspicion of doing something wrong, yet Burma blatantly flaunts the fact that they are keeping the Prime Minister-elect of the country under house arrest, yet nothing is done. The UN does nothing, the US does nothing, the world does nothing.


I must be seriously missing something, because if Stephen Harper held an election where the Liberal Party won a majority government and he opted, rather than hand over power, to lock Michael Ignatieff in at Stornoway and arrest every Liberal MP, then Canada would likely erupt in revolution.

Can somebody please explain to me how this general gets away with doing what he's doing, and nobody does anything about it?


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