Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Your Majesty

I'm in the process of moving, plus doing some soul-searching lately, however I'm still here.

I'll issue a longer post soon on my continuing thoughts on the NS Election, but I did want to take this opportunity to wish all Canadians a Happy Victoria Day and wish a very happy birthday to Her Majesty, the Queen (even though it's not really her birthday)! I hope all Canadians, especially monarchists like myself, take the opportunity to recognize the positive effects our Monarchy has had for Canada. It was Queen Victoria I who officially recognized the Confederation of our country in 1867 and so we must remain grateful to her and to all of her successors for representing our country with honour, with dignity and with respect.

And as we count down the days to our nation's 142nd Dominion Day (or Canada Day, as its known to most, and Moving Day as it's known in Quebec *chuckle*) on July 1st, we should remember how lucky we are to have a Queen like Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

Long May She Reign!

Be back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Just reading your blog and it is quite interesting,particularly your thoughts on Dartmouth North (I too am a resident).

    It will be interesting to see the outcome of the election in our error especially as it looks as though Jim is gaining ground.

    and yes. Happy Victoria Day, nice to know that someone in my neigbourhood also celebrates and is a monarchist andas well to know that my husband and I aren't the only ones who consider Victoria Day an excellent day to remember.
