Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Can I use biodegradable plastic bags in my Green Bin?"

I work for the city of Halifax, in close proximity to the city's waste disposal system. Therefore, I get a lot of questions about things that include separation of waste products into either garbage, recyclables or compostables. One of the most frequent questions asked is whether plastic bags labeled as "compostable" or "biodegradable" are okay to put in your Green Bin (which is where your organics and compostables are supposed to go). My answer is always no, which angers many people who feel that it's more convienient to use plastic bags to place all of their food waste into, especially in the summer months when organics can get somewhat disgusting when left out in the hot sun for days at a time, especially if left out loose.

Our local paper, the Chronicle Herald, finally opted to address the issue with a very good article today that explains the problem. If your cities employ a similar program, then this may apply to you as well.

So, in conclusion, place your compostables in a boxboard container, such as an empty cereal box (minus the lining of course), a shoe box or even wrap it up in paper towel.

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