Friday, May 8, 2009

More than a blip on the radar

So, with the NS election nearly done its first week, we're seeing the Conservatives already trying to mud-sling by suggesting that the Liberal Party is a non-entity. The funny part is that the PC Government started this camapaign in last place, or counting the MOE on the latest poll, in a tie with the Liberal Party. In as unbiased a way as possible, I've assessed the election so far and declare that it is, in fact, the PC's that are the non-entity. While Rodney was jumping on trampolines, Stephen McNeil and the Liberal Party have been outlining their agenda on business taxation, renewable energy and will be releasing their plan on healthcare shortly.

Then, we have the NDP. Their big plan for healthcare reform in the province is to hire an advisor to come up with a plan for healthcare reform. Seriously. To quote the Liberal leader:

That’s not what Nova Scotians are looking for when it comes to health care," Mr.
McNeil told reporters Thursday. "They’re looking to access health care professionals."

Now, don't get me wrong; the NDP's platform isn't awful. In fact, most of it is pretty good and their intentions are good, I suppose. In the end, I hope for a Liberal Government with an NDP Opposition, but I'd settle for the opposite if I had to.

I just hope Nova Scotians recognize the uselessness of the MacDonald Government and firmly boot the fiddle-playing Premier down to 3rd Party status.

All in all, a good first week for the Liberals. And that is for ding dang!

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